What is D&O Insurance: Directors and Officers Liability Insurance Explained

What is D&O Insurance and why is it important, especially for privately held companies? The basic premise of private company D&O is to protect the directors, officers, and other company leaders from crushing legal fees and settlements that arise from lawsuits that allege wrongdoing in managing the affairs of a company. These lawsuits often name … Read More

directors and officers insurance

Why Small and Mid-Sized Firms Need D&O Insurance.

Protecting the decision-makers in mid-sized firms with D&O Insurance.In today’s litigious business environment businesses of all sizes must be prepared for potential legal challenges. One of the key risk management strategies businesses can deploy is the purchase of Directors and Officers insurance. In this article, we’ll answer the question: Why businesses need directors and officers … Read More

IPO Litigation Risks

IPO Litigation Risks This morning I read an interesting article on IPO litigation risks, from Kevin LaCroix who has a daily D&O newsletter called the D&O Diary – I know, I can hear the chuckling in the back of the room already making fun of my morning reading habits, but there’s often great information here. … Read More

Who is an insured on a D&O policy? 

Who is Insured on a D&O policy?  In the past, I’ve had clients call and ask me to add new directors who have just joined their board to their D&O policy.  Some leaders believe that the D&O policy has a schedule of named insureds, so I thought a quick video on who is actually defined as … Read More

The Conduct Exclusion in D&O Insurance

The Conduct Exclusion in D&O and E&O Policies. Today we’re going to look at the conduct or misconduct exclusion found in every D&O Director and Officers Liability and E&O – Errors and Omissions Liability Insurance policies.     To start with, I’ve said many times that no two D&O or E&O policies are alike.  Both are what we … Read More

What is EPLI Insurance?

EPLI insurance covers a business against claims which arise from employees and third parties alleging that their rights have been violated. The common allegations which lead to claims include Are these types of allegations covered by your business owner’s policy or BOP?  NO, they are not unless the policy has been endorsed to include some … Read More

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Private Company D&O

I get this question a lot, from prospects, clients, and centers of influence.  I understand that for a lot of private company owners, D&O may seem like a “nice coverage to have”, but since it’s not mandated by anyone or required by law the purchasing decision gets deferred, sometimes indefinitely!   I get it, insurance isn’t … Read More

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Claims-Made Tail Insurance – What is it?

There are two predominate classes of policies written on Claims-Made policy forms, which often require a discussion of Tail Coverage: Management Liability (D&O, Employment Practice Liability, Fiduciary, Cyber) and; Professional Liability forms (E&O, Malpractice, Lawyers Professional, Accountants Professionals, etc.) Here’s the basics of Claims-Made & Tail Coverage: For a claim to be covered in a claims-made … Read More

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What Is a Warranty Statement

What is the Warranty Statement on a D&O or Employment Practice Liability Policy? I’ve been asked on several occasions when a client is applying for Employment Practice Liability Insurance (EPLI) or Directors & Officers Insurance (D&O) if a potential claim or “situation” in the past would be covered by their new policy?  This article will … Read More

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