Insurance For Your Business | Business Insurance

Business Insurance is Complex & Confusing.

Unfortunately It’s Also Wrong 90% of The Time, Putting Your Biggest Asset at Risk.

Let’s Fix That!

Below you will find information on:

– How to purchase insurance for a startup
– Getting a second opinion on your insurance already in place.
– How to get a question answered or a problem solved when it comes to
business insurance or common risk issues.

Startup, New Venture, Looking for Business Insurance for the First Time?

Shopping for insurance for the first time around is confusing.

How do you know what you need?

Cost is a big concern, How do you make sure you’re getting a good deal?

In this video I’m going to address these issues and the concerns probably on your mind, wondering how to procure insurance the first time.

Want to talk to an expert about getting a second opinion on your insurance? Click the button below to connect to an expert.

Not happy with your current broker relationship?
Not getting the answers you need?
Looking for pricing options?
Not 100% confident that you have the right coverages or the right broker?
Feeling like you’re overpaying for insurance on your business?

This video will give you a sense of our focus on getting business coverage right, being your advocate, and helping you understand what you need and why.

I can help with any of these issues you may be thinking or feeling.

Have a problem, question, or issue regarding business insurance?

You may have landed on our site because you’ve got a problem, question or issue and you don’t know where to turn or who to ask.

If your issue has to do with insurance, I’m pretty sure I can help. With over 40 years in the insurance business there aren’t a lot of problems or questions I haven’t answered, solved or fixed!

The best part is that you don’t need to be a client or buy from me to get my expertise. I love helping business owners with their wicked insurance and risk issues, and if at the end of our conversation, you do want to buy from me, great! But there’s no pressure, gimmicks, or obligations.

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