Employment Practice Insurance (EPLI) Trends 2021

Employment Practice Insurance (EPLI) Trends 2021 Employment Practice Liability Insurance or EPLI as it’s commonly known is a unique form of commercial insurance which covers employers for claims which can arise from wrongful employment acts such as discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, and more.  Even if an employer does everything by the book, and you have … Read More

What is EPLI or Employment Practice Liability Insurance?

Employment Practice Liability Insurance or EPLI for short is a form of management liability coverage intended to protect a company and its decision-makers from claims which arise from employees and third parties alleging wrongful employment acts.  Commonly these wrongful employment acts are wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, hostile work environment, failure to hire, failure to promote, … Read More

Holiday Party Liability: Keep Your Employees Off The Naughty List

This is a guest post from our good friend Andrew Singer, Co-Managing Partner of Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschritt, LLP, a New York law firm.  Andrew leads the employment practice at the firm and recently released this article that is definitely “share-worthy” at this time of year! ‘Tis the season – that is, Holiday Party … Read More

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