cyber insurance bs

Is Cyber Insurance BS? | A Small Business Guide

Alright, I’ll admit it—that title, “Cyber Insurance BS,” is a bit click-bait-y, but it’s a question that’s on the minds of many business owners. The reason I bring this up is that only about 30% of small and medium-sized business owners purchase cyber insurance. If you’re a business owner, you might be thinking, “so what?” … Read More

business insurance problems solved

Business Insurance Problems Solved

As we step into early 2024, the commercial insurance marketplace is facing significant challenges; therefore, finding a business insurance problems solved is more critical than ever. Premiums are on the rise, underwriting is becoming more disciplined, and we find ourselves in what is known as a “Hard Market.” Business owners may encounter steep premium increases … Read More

insurance for venture capital firms

Insurance for Venture Capital Firms: What You Need to Know

Venture Capital (VC) firms face unique risks exposing them to lawsuits from investors, investees, and third parties. This article covers key insurance policies VCs need and how to obtain insurance for venture capital firms. Venture Capital Insurance: What Are the Coverages You Need and Why? The first essential policy is a combined Directors and Officers … Read More


Manufacturer’s D&O – The Big Insurance Gap Faced by Manufacturers

Directors & Officers Liability Insurance or D&O for short is a coverage part often missing from many of the manufacturing company insurance programs I review. In this video I’m going to explain why I think private company D&O is a must have for manufacturers. In this article, we’re going to talk about D&O insurance and … Read More

product recall insurance

Health Supplement Recall Insurance

In this article, we’re going to look at product recall insurance for health supplements, vitamins, and other nutraceutical products. To begin, it’s important to understand the difference between product recall insurance and product liability insurance since they are two different things but are both critically important for manufacturers and distributors of supplements and other nutraceutical … Read More

small manufacturing business

Best Insurance for Small Manufacturing Business

Startup or small manufacturing business companies that turn to Google looking for business Insurance are, I’m sure, overwhelmed by the resulting choices. So many results that you’re probably scratching your head and wondering where to start and who to speak to about making the right decisions around business insurance for your manufacturing company. In this … Read More

credit insurance

Credit Insurance, What is it?

Credit insurance, export insurance, and accounts receivable insurance are all terms that broadly fall into a bucket we call credit insurance. In this article, I’m going to give a quick overview of what this insurance is, what it does, who it’s for and how to buy it. The crux of all the different types of … Read More

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