workers' comp insurance

How does Workers’ Comp Insurance work?

Hi, I’m Gordon Coyle and welcome to my blog where I talk about business insurance and risk issues on the minds of business owners and entrepreneurs like you. In this video and post, I’ll explain how workers’ comp insurance actually works. So, how do workers comp, work? As I mentioned a minute ago, workers’ comp … Read More


EPLI Explained

EPLI Explained. Being an employer comes with risks and one of the biggest risks you have comes from your employees in the form of employment-related lawsuits. In this video and post, I’ll explain what employment practice liability insurance, commonly called EPLI is, and how it will defend your company and prevent a lawsuit from bringing … Read More

due diligence

Due Diligence: Strategic Coverage Audit

Best Insurance Due Diligence. Do you know if your business insurance is sufficient? Is it accurate? Is it priced competitively? What would happen in the event of a catastrophic fire or lawsuit? Would you recover? These are questions that may every once in a while rumble around in the back of your mind as a … Read More

strategic broker

Your Strategic Broker: How to Approach the Market

Are you a business owner tired of navigating the confusing insurance marketplace or using multiple brokers to get the best deal? Learn how working with a single strategic broker can save you time, money, and effort while ensuring you get the best deal possible. In this video and post, I’ll share with you the information … Read More

one broker

Business Insurance Broker – Why Using One Broker Gets The Best Results

Are you a business owner approaching a renewal of your business insurance and you’re frustrated by the shopping for business insurance experience, and you’re dead set on looking for one broker instead of multiple brokers in the quest to find the best deal? Or maybe you’re a first-time buyer of business insurance and you’re also … Read More

business insurance policies

How To Compare Business Insurance Policies and Get A Good Deal

In this article, I’m going to answer the question of how can you compare business insurance policies and quotes to make sure you’re getting the best deal. I wanted to talk about this subject since this week I worked on three deals where business owners came to me after getting quotes on business insurance elsewhere … Read More

insurance for small business

What Does Insurance for Small Business Cost? 2022

You own a small business or maybe you’re just about to start up a small business and you know you need insurance, and you want to know what the costs may be. Like all of us, you turn to Google and ask the magic black box – What does insurance for small business cost? The … Read More

How much does Business Insurance cost? 

How much does Business Insurance cost?  The question “how much does business insurance cost” is often typed into Google Search by small or startup business owners searching for first-time insurance as well as established businesses looking to compare their business insurance costs.  What those business owners looking for business insurance will find is a variety … Read More

cheap business insurance

Why You Won’t Find a Quote Engine on Our Website

I read an interesting article in the NY Times about how online quoting of insurance is squeezing insurance agents and their commissions. Disruption? The internet has certainly disrupted several industries and changed forever the way we purchase some goods and services. It wasn’t that many years ago that you actually went to a travel agency … Read More

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